Thursday, March 3, 2011

Feild Report: Zambia

Well fuck me running. It has been a long time since I posted on this turd of a blog (which was hijacked in my absence) Shortly after my last post I began an exceptionally long journey, sort of a jenkem vision quest if you will. I travelled to Colorado for Stove's wedding, and from there continued travelling the jenkem highlands in search of answers, and new tube shapes. Praise Energor. I finshed my journey at 24 hours of old pueblo in Tucson and am now home coughing up sand. (seriously) and Jenkem. (seriously)
As March rolls around the days are getting longer and anticipation is high, for many great things are only days away. As you may remember that jerk ass jerk Nico Toscani came here last year to wreak havoc on the Sedona Big Friggin Loop (I'd put a link, but seriously it is just a couple of posts down, just scroll down) Many things hampered our planned Team Seagal domination. I was reduced to hiking a couple of weeks before the race, and Toscani got a little turned around and blocked by a river. This year we are going back, with reinforcements in the form of a healthy collar bone for me, a charged GPS battery for Toscani, and Stove. That's right. Stove. A flock of Seagals. With a Chinaman as our guide, we will form a pabst powered man train hell bent for gloryland. (insert criss angel joke here) I also hope to show these jerks some prime Prescott singletrack, and maybe a little black canyon trail. Their trip also coincides with the weekend that Mrs Dr and I are moving to a cabin in the woods (seriously) So it should be an interesting month, followed by camping in Utah and the Whiskey 50 in april. Holy Shit. BTW should I be worried if I had a 3 pounder this morning?
More to come us events unfold. Until then, fuck you


  1. If Energor has blessed you with a 3 pounder you should take it as a sign that he is pleased with you vision quest through the mountains of the western states and decision to take up residence in the back woods of Prescott. Does it have Mt. Kohler or will you be depositing your tubesets in the back woods outhouse?
    Is Middle Fork on your agenda, tickets are booked and if that jerkwad Toscani answers I will know if I have to hike there from the airport or will be shuttled to HQ in a Team Seagal limo.

  2. I believe he has already made arrangements for a china man to pick you up. If he hasn't he better.

  3. Unfortunately I will not be making MFXC this year. Too many things already in the works that are going to require time off work. Still looking at trying to make burnin' in Oct, not sure yet about that one.

    PS.While the new place does have indoor plumbing, living pretty much in the national forest gives me many tube placement options. Does the Doctor shit in the woods? better watch your step.

  4. Oh, a truly glorious day has beset upon my face, a day for which I hath prayed for a long time. The day that our Good Doctor hath returned. And returned he has, with tales of jenkem benders and lengthy saddle time. One thing is for sure, his jerk-itude is higher than ever. I would like to hear more about his Old Poo-eblo race, and how that went.

    Until then, I shall only hope to produce a 3 pounder from the inner workings of my butthole. I can feel one kicking inside me, and it is only a matter of time before I am able to find out just what his birthweight is. Glad to hear from you, Doctor.

    -Casey F. Ryback

  5. Doctor, too bad we will miss on MFXC and I am out for Burnin' this year as the hip is getting it's official resurfacing in August right after the 101. I will make sure to burn the goji berry incense throughout the duration of the race and pray to the great god Energor.

  6. I'm sure Mrs. Dubbs appreciates the incense as much as I appreciate the offerings to the great Energor. How long till you can ride again after the floyd treatment? We should try and arrange for a national meeting of Seagals next season.

  7. Energor willing, we shall all unite together one day, a day which will be some good times-past about which to reminisce in the future. C-Dubs, make sure that you put the "men" in "regimen" by starting a healthy regimen of topical jenkem application. That's correct, new Zambian research shows that jenkem has other benefits beyond that of just huffing. Thoroughly rubbing it into the skin can aid in recovery of many ailments, one of which being hip-related issues. I personally have began to apply a healthy coating to my face before work for an extra fresh sensation. It wakes me up, and keeps away pesky people.


  8. The first sentence of your last comment blew my fing mind. "times past about which to reminisce in the future" Lyrical genius. The jenkem facial mask, the gift that keeps on giving.

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