Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cyclocross in the Desert?

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick!! I just realized that I haven't put anything on here in over a month now. I have been working on an epic post about pretty much the only road ride here and it is no where near completetion,. It looks at this point that it will be my life's work and personal memoir, a heroic tale of a Doctor and his travels. So in the meantime, a bit about current happenings in the wester-regions.
This coming Saturday I will be traveling about 2 hrs to Phoenix to race Cross. There is a "statewide" cross series here that consists of about 6 races. The first two were held in one weekend in Flagstaff and the remaining four are in Phoenix, one of which is taking place this very afternoon. Since I have to work today I won't be able to swing this one. In preparation for next weekends event I spent the entire week camping at the top of Thumb Butte

   You can camp up here free for seven days, although they are pretty lax about it and you could stay for a while this time of year. The roads leading up to the campsites are primitive fire roads, think Matson Hill or Terry Rd but for 8 to 10 miles depending what side you go up. These roads are curvy and bumpy with huge washboard sections and pot holes with the occaisional sand pit thrown in to keep you on your toes. Perfect practice for cross. Long steep technical downhills on the way to work and climbs back up after work. It feels good to be on the cross bike. Amazing all purpose machines. Speaking of which I am supposed to be on mine right now. More to come, I mean it this time.


  1. Damn Homeless in the desert...? Come back to the Lou Doc and you can stick to Roborts couch.
    Either way good to hear your still kickin'. Been watchin this blorg just waitin' for updates. Cross is fully underway as you can see by coarch's post. He did fail to mention your favorite teammate broke her cross cherry yesterday...she is refusing to call it a full on wrist snapping...but from what I can tell there was some breakage. Moar to come!

  2. Sweeet. Cross is amazing (Moar to come on that note.) Oh, and Robort doesn't have a couch. He is what is known on Encyclopedia Dramatica as a basement dweller. Ask Coach or look it up. it's worth it.
